Join over two million people helping us develop a new model for technology
For two years, our free experimental app #SelfCare has been here to comfort you.
With your help, we're now growing it into much more. We're deepening our rituals and expanding them from spaces for refuge into spaces for resilience and personal transformation.
We believe that love feels better than winning. In #SelfCare there is no score, no pressure, no winning. Instead, you'll find inherently soothing, lovely self-care rituals such as laundry, tarot cards and a familiar cat.
Into 2021, you'll discover new and deepened rituals that may help you cultivate deeper resilience and an AI companion who may help you know yourself and your talents more. We're looking forward to sharing our work with you.
Ritual: A new category of digital play
In #SelfCare, we’ve proven our completely new interaction model of deepening care and compassion as a beautiful alternative to the gamification model of rising challenge, fear, shock or FOMO.
In 2018, we modeled our room after our team's personal self-care rituals. Instead of creating minigames that get more and more challenging over time, we created rituals that feel more and more connected over time. We heard from you that you loved our work.
With your feedback, we're evolving each existing ritual and introducing some new ones. You may experience feelings of calm, joy, connection, or ASMR-like tingles as you tend to our rituals.
Inside our room, you will soon be joined by an AI companion. We're designing our companion to feel like a friend, not a subservient assistant nor a bossy guide. Over time, as your friendship grows, our companion may help you know yourself more deeply. Together, you may reach new levels of resilience and transformative insight.
Our model has implications for our relationships with our phones, our communities and each other. #SelfCare was named one of Apple’s Best of 2018 Trend of the Year selections and in 2019 we surpassed two million downloads with no advertising.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
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